Sometimes erasing a memory can be as easy as pressing the Delete button.........Its easier that way! Carrying accessive emotional baggage gets you nowhere! So have selective memory - keep the control panel in your hands- You have to decide what you want to feel nostalgic about (If you want to that is).
Switch your thought flow to something much more important and fruitful but definitely not related to your painful memory. Afterall Ignorance is Bliss!
This way you spare yourself of a lasting trauma. And always remember its best to let go when you know there's no hope.
Isn't it simpler said than done? I wish I could press the delete button and erase and let it go. I hope I would sometime.
Everything is possible Sandy. If not immediately then after a brief time line. But it is fruitless to waste your time lamenting a worthless loss. Thats what I have learnt after a harrowing experience. Its always better to let go than to become a prisioner of old memories. The erase button is not outside, its in your own mind. You can do it, if you think you can!
Yes, am sure I need to learn this fact and come to terms with it in my own head sometime in my life. Am definitely trying it. Its just taking big toll on me day by day...
I like this image :-)