I am astonished at the choice of your rancid words, they hurt me so much, that my heart bled to its death.................
I am astonished at myself and the choice I made, to heal my heart and to bring it back from dead.............
Yes indeed a part of me has perished, it failed to stand the wear and tear.......... But a new one continues to infuse life blood and provide me tender care..................
I shall, no I will proove my point.......... Coz reckless abandon is your way, mine is repair after despair..........
I held you near..........I was scared..........of loosing the precious.........
Now that your gone for good...........let fear thy be replaced by peace again.............
A very touching thought! I know how strong you have become after facing all this in your life. I must say you are so much brave and you have proved it. You rock gal! We are there for you always!