Get out of your Comfort Confines and Smell the Coffee.
I am writing this article for a very close and special friend of mine. I hope he reads this and realizes the power of acceptance of the situation, adapting to the consequences and moving on with life. I don't want a talented man like him to lurk in the shadows of his past. He deserves all the happiness and should come out of the bygone yesterday and boldly face the new today!
I am writing this article for a very close and special friend of mine. I hope he reads this and realizes the power of acceptance of the situation, adapting to the consequences and moving on with life. I don't want a talented man like him to lurk in the shadows of his past. He deserves all the happiness and should come out of the bygone yesterday and boldly face the new today!
We all live in our own shells cocooned in the warmth of our comfort zones away from our deepest darkest fears. And this is a place where we find solace from the troubles outside. Let’s not use the word troubles. It’s too negative. Let’s make it sound positive with the word” challenges”. So this is place where we find acceptance at our terms, inner peace, may be love, warmth, affection, praise, and a non altering schedule of activities.
While forming the above sentence, I have used the phrase non- altering schedule of activities i.e. continuously engaging in execution of activities that are not dynamic and are repetitive in nature. When we get used to such kind of comfort zones we nearly turn a deaf ear to the challenges in front of us that really help us in propelling our growth.
I will cite my own example, I never used to go to the movie theater and watch films on varied topics. All that I liked was watching comedy, romantic or masala flicks. I was afraid that the serious type of movies might bore me to death; moreover I was afraid I couldn’t control my emotions while watching a tragic scene. However, I realized I was seeking shelter in my comfort confines and started watching parallel cinema, action flicks and even Sci-fi films…genres of films that were on my most disliked list. At first it was a Herculean task to sit glued to these (not my favorite) kind of films. But slowly with the help of few friends, I am over my fixation of limiting the scope of my entertainment. I have actually started enjoying them.
Stereotypical behavior stagnates us and makes us a very boring person to begin with. We do not have many topics to speak on and our experience is limited to few things. Also, this creates an impression that either you are too naive or ignorant since you are oblivious to so many different and interesting things in the world.
President Barrack Obama says we should WELCOME THE CHANGE. And I totally agree with him with Millions of others. In our personal and professional lives, we all are thrown into accidental challenges which we initially feel are beyond our expectations to cope with. We keep on wishing we return to our same old lifestyle and same old companions because we are not mentally prepared to face the new consequences and live upto the extended expectations. But, once we smoothly sail through these, we turn back and realize what we have learnt all along and how strong it has ultimately made us.
It is we who typecast ourselves, we close the doors to new things, experiences and adventures and in turn we miss out on many interesting things that life offers. Self innovation and exploration brings in wonders to your life. It adds the missing zing to your life! All you got to do is come out of your shell, say hello to the new world and confidently embrace a new life!
Cheers to your new life!
Hey Keks, very well put down. Yes we all love our comfort zones and hate to get out of it. In this we do miss many lurking opportunities that may lie ahead.
It just feels awful when you are defamed and made to leave your comfort zone as we call it. it's when years of hard work goes down the drain. It's when you know you have done the right stuff, stood up for the right things, and still you lose to those people who openly do wrong. But that's life I guess and we have to carry on.
God in his ways mends things sooner or later.
hi keku,
u realy are a wonderful writer.. u are so much talented.. i lovess u re.. god bless and help u grow ur talent and beat others. heheh... m happy u r goin ahead in life.. and u are lucky to have such wonderful parents... god bless u gal..
god is doing things late for some of us. but when he will do finally we will be happiest. but its so nice we are leading a simple and straight life.. we don't have to beg ppl.. thats so nice.. and that's why i am proud of u and clifford. u both r best yaa.. :-)
Yes Banu and Aga baba,
God in his ways mends things sonner or later. I love this sentence. It infuses optimism.
I quote colonial cousins- Time is the healer, times moves on! Time never waits for anyone.
Someday for all of us justic will be served...someday!
Till then lets get over our loss and enjoy the gift of new life!
hey ketki that was marvelous!
some-one's hitting the right chords :)
Hi Ketaki,
It's great & Mind Blowing Article. You really great bcoz so many bad things happened with u but u never disappoint. As much as i think u learned much more from yr past & now its very hard time. Keep busy at something. A busy person never has time To be unhappy.
When one door closed, God create another so
Be Positive & Think Positive
& that's why i jus want to say-
"Hats off to U"
Hey Ketaki,
Beautiful words string the chord of life. Dont know your past but ppl abv indicated u hv gone thru hell. Now that the pain is behind u, the poetry is flowing thru your words.
God gives pain to appreciate the pleasure of joy.
Keep expressing and one day, we shall see you vying for literary awards.
Am just glad Ketaki is my best friend :-)
Life is not lived by the number of breathes we take,
But it is lived by the moments that take our breathe away.
I live for those moments, and wait for one such biggest moment, to live my life!!!!
Hi Ketaki....
I dont have to tell u about your writing skills.. u shud know by now u r good.. ;)
How true your words are.. we all need control over our lives or else we feel weak and helpless and at the mercy of pitiless forces.. vulnerable and unsure of ourselves.. Our comfort zones are.. in a way our weapons against this world.. against adversity, and any other situation that even remotely seems threatning..
But wat is life if we r always safe ?? if we r always in our element?? how can we even comprehend what we are capable of until we leave our perceptions and inhibitions to try out things that will atleast begin to put before us the multitude of oppurtunities .. possibilities we never would have considered from our safe little corner..
The only thing that can ever hold us back is our mind.. this treacherous mind often makes a coward out of us.. using failure and responsibility to tether us down..
So i guess there is no time to be lost.. to find our purpose.. to realise our potential..and do something about it and above all. to trust GOD and keep moving forward.. :)
Be blessed forever da..
and since u seem to be ahead of me in this journey.. ;) see u soon n keep SMILING!!
Yar u know it took me a while to gather ma thoughts.. was so awestruck after reading "One of the Best Blog Entries Eva". I wanted to comment using all big n fancy words .. den i realized . me don have those skills ;-) ... neways .. this was one of the koolest thing i have ever read ... now les talk but the content .. yar ket getting out d "Comfort Zone" gyal dat aint easy ... n u know it better .. spkin of ma comfort zone .. ma luv ..ma bst fr .. ma social circle .. she was ma freakin every thing ... n wen she lef ..i was lef wid nottihin. .. n dat hit me hard .. was all lost .. myb this song ka snippet will explain it better ..
"I've talked to friends
I've talked to myself
I've talked to God
I prayed liked hell but I still miss you
I tried sober I tried drinking
I've been strong and I've been weak
and I still miss you
I've done everything
move on like I'm supposed to
I'd give anything for one more minute with you
I still miss you"
i did a lot of crazy tings to get her out ma head ..n i miserably faild.. i jus did not know what to do ..
how to get outa ma "Comfort Zone" .. ket uz d kooolest .... KUDOS 2 ya
Dear Karan,
You write no less than any of my other eloquent friends. Thanks for all the appreciation, it only inspires me to write better.
Firstly, we have to understand that change is the only thing that is constant in our lives. Jo aaj hai Kal nahi hoga! People change, their likes dislikes turn over a period of time. One who consideed us the best of choice for him/her can one fine day get up and say they dont want us nemore! It happens all the time! Only, u get to know abt it when it happens to you. All of us want many things in our life, we think we cant live without them. Especially people! But Karan arent you living just well without her? And arent you living a normal life? I know asking you to forget and move on is easier said than done. But we must look at a larger picture where may be god has a alternate plan for us! An EVEN BETTER one!
Sometimes when we are running behind things these accidental speed breakers allow us to contemplate our actions, to realise our mistakes and release our potential to work towards correcting them. Who would understand the feeling of loving and losing better than me? But I still say if you really love some1 and that person is happy without you! Just let him/her be on their own! Coz true love is not getting your happiness, its giving to the other! Karan knowing you am sure there must be a lovely lady out there who can really understand you. But think and understnd what were the mistakes committed from your end in this relationship and try to correct them and never repeat.Thats the best we can do afterall........turn our wounds into wisdom!
May Happiness Come to your way always!
Ya its a good blog.The only thing that I think makes your blog a little weak is your example.You should have given something more serious kind of change.
I appreciate your suggestion Bhau. But I wanted the example to be simple and not too larger than life as everyone could relate it to their own experience! Will try and work on your point in my next blog.