Finally my first post of 2009! Been waiting for this one for a long time now!
Just now I finished reading the book Holly’s Inbox by Holly Denham. The book is in small snippet kind Mail and SMS dialogue format! It holds the fantasies of the readers with its lucid story line and witty & humorous takes on work life! I borrowed the book from British library on Thursday evening and have finished reading all the 552 pages today (Saturday). It was so captivating that I had to put on hold my friend’s calls, my usual listening of songs, my usual poetry readings, journal writing and fun chit-chat & outings with Hostel mates. But it was all worth it!
Here are some of the paras that are very close to my heart. Though they do not do complete justice to the book as they do not represent the mood of the book! Read Holly’s Inbox to find out more!! It’s such a funny and interesting book, that I couldn’t put it away till I finished it.
There is also a website
That’s just fantastic that is. I can’t believe you. If you hate living with me so much why don’t you just move out? All the time I’ve been looking forward to having you home, you’ve been dreading it?? Is that what’s happening?
[ if !support Empty Paras]- - > < !- -[ endif! ]- - >. ...
So I’ve been on trial? You’ve been judging me, wondering whether I’m good enough for you, have you?? Do you know how that makes me feel????
[ if !support Empty Paras]- - > < !- -[ endif! ]- - >. ...
Every time I open a email, I get one of those lurches, the ones you get when you feel your ankle go in heels and you know you’re about to fall and you get that rush. Every time the phone buzzes, even if it’s the bloody alarm, I’m hoping the phone’s malfunctioning and it’s a call from him. I miss his voice, his touch, his smell, even when he was away I used to sleep on his side of the bed. I know people think he’s serious, but he’s not. He was always making me laugh: he’d make complete strangers laugh and feel good about themselves. I miss having someone to answer the door to strange looking salesman and even miss being told off for leaving my cds in a pile on the floor. Now he’s gone I keep forgetting to put a glass of water by the bed, because he always did it for me. I miss being forced to watch the occasional thriller instead of a comedy or romance and I miss sleeping on his chest, I’m sorry, I drifted off there. Writing about him was nice, and bad. I really miss him Trisha.
[ if !support Empty Paras]- - > < !- -[ endif! ]- - >. ...
TO: Jason
I have been living on this fluffy white cloud for so long. Because I loved him so much, I thought he’d feel the same, like we were telepathically linked, thinking the same things about everything. We knew we’d never want anyone else again. When everyone was telling me things weren’t as perfect as I thought they were, telling me he was having an affair, all I kept thinking was if they only knew what I knew, they’d know they were wrong.
[ if !support Empty Paras]- - > < !- -[ endif! ]- - >. ...
TO: Jason
The other thought is just too horrible to think about, and it makes me feel instantly sick when I begin. It’s that, as much as I still love him- actually, he doesn’t love me anymore, hasn’t done for a while , if at all and certainly wont ever ever ever love me again. I’m going to get some air.
[ if !support Empty Paras]- - > < !- -[ endif! ]- - >. ...
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