You beat in my heart,
And rolled in the tears on my skin
You hid in my unsung prayers
You claimed to be a victim of my undone sins
In my dreams you have slipped several times
Accusing me for all the futility of my love
But all this will breathe its end now
I will do myself a favor today
I will liberate myself of all your thoughts
And with a carefree demeanor
I will go dancing in the moon light
You pulled me behind, every time
Bound me with my limitations galore
I will unwind from your cursing ties
Look at you like you never were
You can’t scare me anymore
You can’t make me feel inferior about myself
And a life without you will be all that I want
I will do myself a favor today
I will liberate myself of all your thoughts
And with a carefree demeanor
I will go dancing in the moon light
I don’t dream any more
Neither of you, nor of happiness
I won’t make your memories
An eternal punishment for my life
I will not thrive on false hope
I will not care for your existence at all
I deserve to be in the realm of my internal- peace
I will do myself a favor today
I will liberate myself of all your thoughts
And with a carefree demeanor
I will go dancing in the moon light
You have to go from every place
That your thoughts invade now
From my heart, from my mind
But above all from my tarnished soul, that you left to die
Surmounted your pain, I am done with your loss
Walk away to your bliss and let me walk to mine
Now I will survive and I will decide how
I will do myself a favor today
I will liberate myself of all your thoughts
And with a carefree demeanor
I will go dancing in the moon light
……..By Me
you've cried enough
you've suffered a lot
you lived like a prisoner
many battles unwantedly fought
you had a tough time
you've learnt it hard way
you sustained injuries
you bore the pain
but my dear there was nothin in vain
the time has come
to unleash yourself
breathe in the fresh air
and wonderful world to dwell
an amazing time to experience
a new life to live
a music to listen
and some taste of spice
a runway to take off to reach new hight
the globe at your feet
and see the beautiful sight
you do yourself a favor today
you liberate yourself of all the thoughts
and with a carefree demeanor
you go dancing in the moon light
Its time to come out my dear...
the storm has passed away.... yes it has left devastation in its wake....
yet it could not diminish the strength within....
the sun still shines brightly... the moon still sighs nightly....
there is love all around waiting for you..... to open your wings and soar through....
what has gone by is your past..... live your present and dream your future....
things will change no wounds will remain..... angels will lookout for you....
if no them then friends for sure.... let your inhibitions go by and take the hand that has opened for you.....
welcome the new beginning..... Love, trust and friendship is all you need.....
Its all you need
thats really nice poem cutee.. i am proud of u and ur courage to go ahead in life... god bless u...
m happy for ur mom dad who now truly are happy for their cute daughter... muaaah to u sweetu
hey keks real nice poem, good creativity , keep up the good work darlin, and we all there for u , and always be happy , no more sadness , only happiness for you , will pray for that god bless u sweets
Hey, think about getting some of your stuff published. Really awesome. You know one place where you can do this and get a dedicated fan following. And later maybe even get paid for it :-)