Have you ever witnessed the grim death of hope………
I have experienced it and this is how it feels..........
When the final fatal blow of fate is struck with one last heavy breath already half-dead hope is released from the comfort confines of saccharine sweet delusional optimism……
it falls in the whirlpool of pesimistic reality ..and slowly drowns to the bottom of the dark depths of painstakingly irrevocable loss.
what remains are the last signs of positivism – handful of bubble top memories of good-times surface and dim.
lifeless hope continues to lie there quiet, solitary and undisturbed……………
resting and rusting in womb of sadness engulfed in deploration for the rest of eternity…….
leaving you with a sinking feeling in your heart which you experience when the waves in the ocean wash the sand away under your feet……..
you say you witnessed the death of hope, i say its a lie...
coz hope can never die...
u say you experienced it, i say you let it happen...
when you were supposed to stand by...
the final fatal blow of fate released half-dead hope as you say...
then come up with new hope coz now onwards fate won't come in you way...
the whirlpool of pessimistic reality take you deep, to the bottom where the stir is weak...
there you shoot up yourself with faith so high, emerge to the surface and see the sky...
the loss was to lose, so is the pain...
but see you come up with handful of gem...
hope is always quite, solitary and undisturbed...
its you should have it, keep it and head forward...
now just rip off the womb of sadness, cheer up, have a smile on your face...
you will see the miracle, you will achieve every success...
believe in yourself, and you will get whatever you wish...
this is the journy of life, full of memories to cherish...