Date: 25th June, 2009
Time: 5:45 pm
Venue: Mr. Amrut Purandare's Office at Deccan, Pune
Its always a pleasure listening to Amrut Sir on art, real stories and life. May be I will dedicate these pink periwinkles to the Late Michael Jackson! May his soul rest in peace!
well... RIP MJ... (aaaoooo :D)
Amrut Purandare: Is he Babasaheb Purandare's son ?
Do you know where is Shiv Shrusti. Had heard its going to be in Ambegaon. Is it operational ?
Also had read at Siddhagiri Ashram that Vinayak Mete has started a Shive Shrusti (or something similar) project. Are they same or different ?
Throw some light if you have ! Ha Ha