Sweet, shy, coy smiles are deceptive
And so is the sound of intelligent silence
They will take your numbness for granted
For they will drill a hole in your scattered heart
And out shall ooze pangs of profound pain
Releasing anguish; much better in than out
There! Out gushes the mellifluous restrain
And rancorous words become swords of defense
Pugnacious sanctity goes to doldrums
Much guarded assertiveness transforms into a sin
Lack of peace breaks loose its maddening havoc….
And you stand all alone & cornered.
Far away from what according to them is “acceptable”
And the world fiercely stares at you
And laughs vociferously in your face
“This one!” they cruelly point out…..
“Must pay the price for being too Naïve all his life”
- By Me!
Very true story of someone being too Naive. But just reflecting a painful part of the whole life. There are several other good things happen too. :-) yet, another good shot,Kek.
very true milind!!!
well nice one ketaki...loved it!!
this is th bestest poem u'hv ever posted on blog... it is portrayal of someone's nightmare, fear, agony of incapacity. one can easily picturize him/herself in that situation.
i don't kno hw u can think abt such topics n can write abt it in so precise words...!!!
well... n no doubt ur poem is showing pain again (as milind said)... u r too good at it megh... u kno very well hw to put these unspoken feelings into words... may b u understand pain much better than us B U T (whoops... in life thr is always a big BUT(T)) ppl want remedy for that pain megh... someone wud expect something that wud alleviate th pain much more than xpressin th pain...
so megh i strongly believe u only r th best 1 who can tell us abt it...
n m waiting for tht....
cheers... :)
ahha... i jus forgot 1 more thing... its not bad to b naive... but one shud definitely not b immature or dumb... but obvi then no wonder if every1 laughs at him/her...
Good fill someone in on and this fill someone in on helped me alot in my college assignement. Thank you on your information.