आई झाड,
बाबा वृक्ष,
भाऊ फांदी,
बहिण पारंबी,
गर्ल फ्रेंड पालवी,
बॉस आपण इको-फ्रेंडली~
Extension by Saurabh Bongale - (04:51 hrs.)
मुलं फळं,
आजी-आजोबा पिकलेली पानं,
शेजारी वेली,
परिवार माती,
बाकी भुक्कड पक्षी.
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eco friendly,
eco friendly family,
मराठी भाषा दिन
Not So Mundane Conversations! 3

When I annouced on my google Buzz about my New flat in Pune, "NOW AM OFFCIALY A PUNEKAR" I got the following replies from My friends!! This is really really interesting Stuff! Enjoy!!
Saurabh Bongale - अभिनंदन Feb 15
Ketaki Joshi - DANKE :) Feb 15
deepti sane - hey congrats.......PUNEKAR !!Feb 15
Ketaki Joshi - thnks di! howz u babes ? Feb 16
Niyant Lohakare - congrates. V happy to hear dis g8 news.Party time.Feb 16
Milind Naphade - Party!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats :-DFeb 16
Aakash Gupte - Lateshtt news > Ketaki's trying hard on her nasal tone!!
Aani tine ek painter pan bolavlay > jo puneri patya paint karun deil!! :))Feb 17
Aakash Gupte - pahili paati > AAMHI JOSHI ASLO, TARI AMHI KOBRA NAHI.....AANI
Aakash Gupte - Ketaki Joshi - DANKE :)15 Feb :O aaila germann!Feb
Saurabh Bongale - lolllaaa.... fattyang pati hai....
दुसरी पाटी >> आम्ही मुंबईचे पुणेकर आहोत. किमान शब्दात कमाल अपमान करणे आम्हास शक्य नाही. बोलण्यापेक्षा कृतीवर आम्ही जास्त भर देतो. सरळ कानफाड फोडण्यात येईल.Feb 18
Milind Naphade - lolamm Feb 18
Aakash Gupte - hahaha!!Feb 18
Prathamesh Bhamburkar - aaga ho kite vela... saangnar?Feb 18
Aakash Gupte - aaja bhai, ketaki chya gharchya patya design karaychya aahet!Feb 18
Prathamesh Bhamburkar - bas bas....
full sadashivpethi khass puneri patya..Feb 18
Saurabh Bongale - तिसरी पाटी >> हि खानावळ नाही, घर आहे... जेवणाचे पैसे स्विकारले जाणार नाहीत...Feb 18
Prathamesh Bhamburkar - lol....
4) AAmhi electricity cha bill bharto, bell wajvu nahi...Feb 18
Aakash Gupte - waah saurabh > tu tar maze mess chi paise vachavless!! aani aplya barobar guest pan astat!! kay prof.?Feb 18
Prathamesh Bhamburkar - bas ka bhai...
ata kadki janar.....Feb 18
Saurabh Bongale - aare mag kay... hakkane jaycha... bharpur kha kha khaycha...Feb 18
Prathamesh Bhamburkar - hmm ghar aaplach ahe...
ketaki kahi aplyala hakalnar nahi te changli guni mulgi ahe..
lolFeb 18
Aakash Gupte - apan tya flat chya khalli pan- thela lau! aani parking madhe carrom club!Feb 18
Prathamesh Bhamburkar - lol...
ketaki's carrom club..Feb 18
Saurabh Bongale - ५) हे घर आहे मंदिर नाही, तरी चपला बाहेरच काढुन प्रवेशावे...Feb 18
Aakash Gupte - 6) nighte-weli apan jya coach-a-war basla hota, tya warchya acchadanachya churghalya mitvun jaava!
- Hukumavarun!Feb 18
Prathamesh Bhamburkar - 7) Krupaya aat yenacha aadhi parvangi kadahavi..
aakash aathavtay ka?Feb 18
Aakash Gupte - aarey ho na
aarey banglyachya baher dara war pati > parvangi shivay aat yeu naye.....chya mari > fataka-war chadhun >jor joraat haaqa marun > parvangi ghyaychi system asavi! kimman baher aatla phone number tari dyaycha. "Hello saheb, mi aat yeu ka?"Feb 18
Prathamesh Bhamburkar - nahi re yeud sabhyapana nasto karaicha...
saral ek dagad fekun khidki che kaach todun mag parvangi kadahaiche...
mag aapan aat nahi jaicha re tech baher yeil...Feb 18
Saurabh Bongale - hahahaahahaa.... aare pan ghusaycha bindass... tikde konachi parvanagi ghyaychi he thodich mention kela asta? sangaycha yenarya janarya konala tari vicharun ghuslo... :P Feb 18
Prathamesh Bhamburkar - are hoo ke he lakshatach ala nahi...
lai bhari..Feb 18
Prathamesh Bhamburkar - barazala sangitlas nahitar ugach tod-phod zali asti...
lol...Feb 18
Saurabh Bongale - युक्तिपेक्षा शक्ति श्रेष्ठFeb 18
Saurabh Bongale - chukla chukla...Feb 18
Aakash Gupte - aarey kautukachi goshta mhanje > te ghar kuthe bhugaon chya javal hota....aani te pan tekadavarchya rastyawar! tyachya aslya parvangi sathi ugach salyane swatahla badvun ghetla asta. chonga sala Feb 18
Saurabh Bongale - chonga............ haaaaaaaaaahahahahahaha kay bhari shivi aahe...Feb 18
Prathamesh Bhamburkar - abe he shivi nahi...Feb 18
Saurabh Bongale - loll... padavi aahe ka???Feb 18
Prathamesh Bhamburkar - hmmm.Feb 18
Prathamesh Bhamburkar - he padvi fakta bavlat, shamlu.....etc lokannach bahal keli jate...Feb 18
Saurabh Bongale - :O lolzzz.... jaoode... aapla patya rangvaycha udyog maage padla hya nadat... chala patapata patya rangava...Feb 18
Aakash Gupte - my zoo-zoo baghat baslelo!! aata jau dya na ghari, ata vajle ki bara!Feb 18
43 more commentsAakash Gupte - 8. Ho, Tumchi Sakhar sampli asnaar na! Amchya kade sugar free chya golya aahet. 8.50 rs la ek goli, krupaya sutte paise dene!Feb 18
Saurabh Bongale - lolzzzzFeb 18
Saurabh Bongale - ९) पाट्या वाचायला आवडत नसतील किंवा वाचून कंटाळला असाल, तर बाजूच्या खोलीत जाऊन फळ्यावर काय लिहलय ते वाचा.Feb 18
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affairs to remember
Gairrrrrrrrrrr! My View!

I am actually under cover these days. Hiding away in some secret place...Absconding from where I belong..A few people are searching for me to take my case left and right...
Well well don't be afraid it just that my buddies are searching for me. After all I have sinned.....after listening to a emotion laded dilse speech of mine about watching marathi cinema and feeling proud of it...we had all settled down to watch Gair at City Pride Satara on a lazy afternoon a few days back. Little did I know that we were going to be exposed to continuous torture for 2 hours 30 minutes.
If you have too much of a black money and want convert it to white. I have got a hit formula. Try getting the best of stars from regional industry, take a roughly matured plot, put in lots of money on sets, clothes, songs etc and then make and distribute a film as dumb as Gair!
Trust me, If I am to re-write Chetan Bhagat's Three Mistakes of my life- GAIR would definitely qualify to be one of the mistakes. I truly regret myself and coaxing 5 other people along with me to pay for this mindless endeavour!
The film opens at two homicides and then shifts on to an award ceremony where our hero Sandip Kulkarni of Dombivli Fast Fame tries to copy Saif ALi Khan in his mannerisms, looks & styles and fails miserabaly.
Ila Bhate & Amruta Khanwilkar present a fairly good performance!! Others are all new-bies! The songs seem to jabardasti added in the film!! And it is better to see for yourself all the faltoo choreography that has gone in it! Infact me and my groupies got up and clapped when a song and dance sequence shot on Sandip and Amruta got over! It was our sarcastic way of registering criticism!! Come on Amruta you can do better than this! And where is the feisty Sandip that we saw in Dombivli Fast???
The story does not evolve and by the end of the film You are either looking at your watch for it to end or are cursing your stars for choosing such a " Below Average" film to splurge your hard earned money on!!
Can some one tell me why is the promotional hoarding still put on a hill in Katraj ??? The film is long gone!! It reminds me of my folly everytime I pass that area!!
My Verdict- One Star for this half-baked, full bakwas film!! This one is for you Amruta!
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Film review
English just KICKED THE BUCKET! 2
Keep your ears open especially for this one as it completely changes the complete meaning of the sentence!
The victim- the word " De-Stressing"
Which means removing the stress or unwinding the stress!!
While some people pronounce it as dis-stressing which means great pain, anxiety, or sorrow; acute physical or mental suffering; affliction; trouble or a state of extreme necessity or misfortune!
Its high time that we correct this mistake! It can land us in a Major Soup! Say for example you tell your Boss," If it was not for your distressing( You actually want to say de-stressing) Company the picnic wouldn't have been fun at all".
Just imagine your wrong pronouncing or writing of the word de-stress can prove to be a matter of great distress for you!! hehehe
My advice don't commit this gaffe at all costs!!
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I Observe,
save thy language
Not My day!! 20th Feb, 2010
It will hurt forever from now on!!
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journal entry
Another Alternative
After successful use of toothpaste as a shaving cream, here's another experiment -
Just gave a try for 'Old Spice - Original' shaving cream as a shampoo, it works :)
Quantity taken : Depends on the volume of you hair.
Lather : 4/10
Scalp Texture after use: Non -oily
Hair softness after use: 7/10
Conclusion: Only if you have no other alternative, and have an emergency. Regular use not recommended - Might lead into heavy hair fall. A few drops of oil/hair gel after a shower can help you improve your hair texture. Dandruff reduced by 10%.
For exclusive Dandruff treatment : Massage you scalp with a diluted solution of "Dettol" or any ordinary mouthwash (see to it, the mouthwash does not contain sugar)
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मला गर्र-गर्र्तय
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Valentines Day!!!
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random thoughts
1 प्रतिक्रिया
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आधुनिक द्रौपदी स्वयंवर