New Year Time!!!
Its New Year time once again...and I am left with a lot of mixed feelings- New years leave me both excited and scared.
New year is more like an annual stock taking!! Time to measure the Profit and Loss accounts and settle the discrepancies in the balancesheet!!!
Definitely there is happiness of a fresh beginning and anxiety about but more importanttly there is a lot of positive anticipation from the comming year!
2010, I have a lot of expectations from you dear, Don't let me down......!
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random thoughts
1 प्रतिक्रिया
Return to Innocence!

Children..aren't they the sweetest things!! No matter what state of mind you are in - they always manage to bring back a smile to your face!! Just try doing this!! Have you ever seen children lined up parallel to the railway line..happily waving back to the ignorant passengers of the passing trains!! For once - let go of all inhibitions of how people will judge you and wave back at them....with a simple smile if not over the top alacrity. And see the magic!! Their moon like faces brighten up with this momentary happiness of receiving a positive response to their mirthful anticipation. They keep waving back at you, till your train speeds away farther than their vision can capture!! I am not able to word the way this feels...its a pleasant feeling to make them happy in the most simplest there is a complete different meaning to life other than the infinite materialistic ones we keep chasing about!!!
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I Observe,
why do u want my cell... i don't hv much balance left... use ur own...
2.Your hair?
ohh!!! thank god!!! they still exists as strong as before...
3.Your mother?
my life
4.Your father?
my life
5.Your sister?
my life
6.Your favorite food?
ur brain
7.Your dream last night?
8.Your favorite drink?
9.Your goal?
not just 1...
10.What room are you in?
11.Your hobby?
12.Your fear?
i hv no fear... m superman
13.Where do you want to be in 6 years?
on th moon...
14.Where were you last night?
r u my wife or wht...
15.Something that you aren’t?
yukkss... can't u offer nething better thn tht???
17.Wish list item?
error!!! wishlist overflow!!!
18.Where did you grow up?
ppl say m not grown up enuf!!!
19.Last thing you did?
which thing u r talking abt... good or bad???
20.What are you wearing?
whoooppsss... close ur eyes... u dont want to c ths...
21.Your TV?
my PC
22.Your pets?
i dont like pets but mike tyson gifted me his tiger, steve irwin gifted me a crocodile
yess i do hv...
24.Your life?
FnF... not Fast & Furious... Family & Friends
25.Your mood?
happy as always
26.Missing someone?
yahh... a magical broom...
28.Something you’re not wearing?
damn... wht kinda ques is tht???
29.Your favorite store?
any1 which i could rob :D
30.When was the last time you laughed?
just now
31.Last time you cried?
gee.. superman neva cries...
32.Your best friend?
Megh, Aakya, Shilya, Vaibhav
33.One place that you go to over and over?
instead of going to ONE place over and over i would have preffered to stay there...
34.One person who emails me regularly?
35.Favorite place to eat?
ohho... whn u r hungry th place doesn't matter...
माझे टॅग्स: मेघ, आकाश, दिप्ती, मिलिंद, विशाल, आनंद
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1.Where is your cell phone?
Meticulously put on the Mobile Stand! See it 2 Believe it!
2.Your hair?
Used to be ruffled and gave an "out of the bed look"! Strangely they are completely manageable now! : )
3.Your mother?
The only person who loves me unconditionally!
4.Your father?
My Pillar of Strength!
5.Your favorite food?
Anything made by Mom as I hardly get homemade food made by her! I have to eat what I cook usvally!! : )
6.Your dream last night?
I don't dream anymore! Dreams just make people more impractical.
7.Your favorite drink?
H2O Neat on the rocks!!! What were u thinking???? ; )
8.Your goal?
To prove myself!!
9.What room are you in?
Definitely the one which has a lot of sunshine and ventilation! Any Guesses which one???
10.Your hobby?
Blogging!!!! I love it!
11.Your fear?
Being Judged wrongly!
12.Where do you want to be in 6 years?
hmmmmmmm! Now lets c how that one works!
13.Where were you last night?
Chatting away with friends @ Home - the best place on earth
14.Something that you aren’t?
Yes I am all "Gimme" for them - If they are made of Sugar Free!
On an after-thought its such a sweet name for a cat or even your object of affection!!!hahahaha
16.Wish list item?
A flat of my own and a car!
17.Where did you grow up?
18.Last thing you did?
Just made some Chapattis!
19.What are you wearing?
Blue Tee and a pair of old Jeans!
20.Your TV?
Is sitting in the warehouse of some shop gathering dust!! As I Don't Have one yet!
21.Your pets?
Don't have any right now! Aishwarya and Sundari are two strays who are very cute and friendly dogs!
My Lifeline!! They keep me on the move!!!
23.Your life?
A Roller-coaster ride!
Plain till 2007 - Bumpy after that!
24.Your mood?
On a H3
Holiday Happy High!!!! : )
25.Missing someone?
Kinetic ZX!
27.Something you’re not wearing?
My Specs!
28.Your favorite store?
Wills Lifestyle!
29.When was the last time you laughed?
Today afternoon while watching 3-idiots @ R-MALL, Mulund! Had a blast!
30.Last time you cried?
Don't want to remember as Tears only make you more and more weak! But yes it was a worthless effort for a person who did not care!
31.Your best friend?
My Lil Bro! Bhauama!
32.One place that you go to over and over?
Parvati, Pune. I am gripped with a dejavoo feeling every time!
33.One person who emails me regularly?
34.Favorite place to eat?
La Dolche Vita, Pune!
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हिशोब... काहीच्या काही...
जमवून आठवणी, मनात काही अन् डोळ्यात काही...
मांडला हिशोब सगळा, जगलेल्या पुर्ण आयुष्याचा
प्रत्येक त्या क्षणाचा, हसलेलो काही अन् रडलेलो काही...
जमाबाकीच्या ताळेबंदात, स्तंभ दोन पडले
क्षण मी विभागले, सुखांचे काही अन् दुःखांचे काही...
झाली गणिते सगळी, मोजणीस ना काही उरले अन्य
शेवटी बाकी शुन्य, ना गमावले काही ना कमावले काही...
(रिक्त) सौरभ
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जुळलेली यमकं
भिजा... सौख्य भरे...
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शब्द... नव्हे भावना...
जखमा कश्या सुगंधी...
जखमा कश्या सुगंधी झाल्यात काळजाला,
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शब्द... नव्हे भावना...
Santacruz to Pune!
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I like!!!
Here come real stars to fill the upper skies,
And here on earth come emulating flies,
That though they never equal stars in size,
(And they were never really stars at heart)
Achieve at times a very star-like start.
Only, of course, they can't sustain the part.
- By Robert Frost
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random thoughts
Bicycle Riding in Pune!

A few days back, I tried picking back one of my ardent hobbies which I had abandoned in My Odyssey years- Cycling! Since Aakash and YD were going on a long bike ride! I tagged along with them. I borrowed YD's cousin's ladies bicycle and on a chilly December Tuesday evening we were all jet set to hit the rough roads. So we decided our route which was going to be down from Sadashiv Peth-FC Road-E-square flyover-University road. I had only practised a little the previous evening on Karve road and was a bit apprehensive about the evening traffic on all these jam-packed bottle necked roads. Anyways it was my first time and I decided to take the risk. Of course I was finding it difficult to keep pace with these guys as they were very fast and experienced. I had to pedal my way faster to keep up with them. The seat of my bicycle was very low and I was finding it problematic to pull the cycle on upward slopes. Infact I had to get down on Garware Bridge! But some how I managed to ride down all the way ahead of E-square but then my legs which were not used to all this exercise gave up. So I turned back and returned mid-way! But though exhausting it was an exhilarating experience. And a quiet fulfilling one @ that. I think I need to go on more such bike rides which will make me used to ridding. The most difficult part was facing hell while driving thru full traffic at 6 pm. I wish we could go on a plain green pollution free road someday, probably on the outskirts of the city. Aakash had a bike problem so he turned back mid-way while I guess YD was the only person to reach the decided spot. Albeit a bit taxing, it was too good an experience! I think one must keep giving a shot at such different strokes to keep up the excitement in our mundane life!! Thanks Aakash and YD! Can't wait for the next round of Bicycle riding!
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novel experience
पेंगुळलेले डोळे, जड त्या पापण्या| स्वप्नांचा चक्काचूर, पहातसे||
दमदार जांभई, अन् आळस घेऊन| गजराचे घड्याळ, पुन्हा स्नूझमधे||
उषःकाल सरुन, मध्यान्ह जाहली| निद्राभंग झाला, गरमीने||
आढेवेढे घेत, पांघरुण सारले| उठावे लागले, नाईलाजे||
प्रातःर्विधी कारणे, न्हाणीघराकडे कूच| नेमक्यावेळी ते, व्यस्त असे||
तोवरी आदण चहाचे, ठेवावे गॅसवर| दिवसाची सुरुवात, अमृताने||
दंतमंजन लेप, घ्यावा ब्रशवरी| लेपून तोंडभरी, मौजे घासावे||
खळाखळ भरुन चूळ, मुखमार्जन पात्री| चेहरा धुवावा, साबणाने||
शुचिर्भुत होवून, प्रसन्न व्हावे| दिनक्रम आपुला, आरंभावा||
चहा वाफाळता, घ्यावा गाळून| सोबती रवंथ, बिस्किटांचे||
बैठक घ्यावी, लॅपटॉपसमोर| साईट विहार, प्रारंभावा||
ना स्क्रॅप कोणाचे, ना एकही ईमेल| तरी पेज रिफ्रेश, करित रहावे||
घटीका सरतील, निष्क्रिय अश्याच| गर्भी उद्रेक, वायुचे||
सारुन बैठक, घ्यावी विश्रांती| निमित्त करावे, न्याहारीचे||
शमवूनी भुक, वामकुक्षी घ्यावी| बागडावे आनंदे, संध्याकाळी||
रात्र होता परतावे, आपुल्या घरी| व्यवस्था करावी, भोजनाची||
आपलेच हात, अन् आपलेच पोट| जाणोनी करावा, स्वयंपाक||
चलचित्र पहाता, उदरभरण करावे| तृप्त व्हावे करुन, हे यज्ञकर्म||
पांघरुण पसरुन, द्यावी ताणून| निद्रिस्त व्हावे, शांतचित्ते||
स्वप्नांचा खेळ, खेळत झोपावे| असा न्यावा दिवस, पुर्णत्वे||
दिनचर्या अशीच, थोड्याफार फरकाने| होतसे रोज त्यात, नाविन्य नसे||
सौरभ म्हणे ज्याने, कंठीले आयुष्य ऐसे| आदर्श बेरोजगार म्हणूनी, गौरवावे||
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जुळलेली यमकं
Life's Big Lesson in a Small Scoop! 10

I am updating this section after a loooooooong gap! It was not that lessons weren't learnt in this span! Infact there were many! Its just that not all of them were drafted here!
Abb padh likh kar kiska bhala hua hai?????
I have a habit (You can call it a bad one) of uttering hackneyed dialogues and making fun of the highly cliched sentiments that our Hindi Cinema evokes @ times - rather ignorantly. One of my favourite one is to babel fish in a typical auntie like monotonous style, " Abb padh likh kar kiska bhala hua hai ?"(Read:Who has benefited out of Education anyways?).
Yesterday I had my Eureka Moment! As me and my hostel mates gathered for our regular late night "girl talks". And our regular bhanksss about films began. I began to utter the same dialogue. And I stopped mid-way. Rather my rational brain forced me to press the STOP button immediately.
"Padh Likh kar Kiska Bhala hua hai ?" My brain re-read, scanned and comprehended the dialogue. The answer came pronto: Mera aur Sabka. This was even more applicable in terms of women. I gulped my curiosity @ that moment and let it lie low for later contemplation. After everyone descended to their slumber the internal ratification began. I am 26 years old. Am independent!(yeah I can finally say that) Inspite of a crash I have landed to the safety of my own feet. Bruised but certainly not broken! And a major portion of the terra-firma beneath my trembling feet(apart from my loved ones) has been provided by no one else but my education.
There are girls in my hostel who have practically come from remote villages in Maharashtra. Some of them can hardly afford a metro-lifestyle. They prefer to walk their way around instead of spending Rs. 3 everyday on the "comfort" of overcrowded PMT Buses. They want to educate themselves and the world around them. They are taking pains of working part time and educating themselves because they understand that in a society that is ruled by the influence of ever-altering political, social and economical scenarios, it is education that will be their backbone.
Education today has stood firmly with many ladies who have absolutely no support in this world. With education comes financial Independence and it further reckons freedom to take individual decisions responsibility.
Just imagine the spate of us Indian women if we were born in an earlier time frame where situation was not conducive for women education. The vicious circle of poverty - early marriage - illiteracy - dependency - destitution would have continued. The anti-women literacy antagonists would have ruled the world and our atrocities as a second sex would have multiplied. Or for that matter even if we were born in a third world country that was not pro-women education and liberation, each day would have been so difficult to live.
I think we Indian women should really be grateful to the doyens of women education like Anandi Bai Joshi, Mahatma Phule & Maharshi Karve etc. It is only because of the relentless efforts of these people that many Indian women are Educated, Independent and Earning a living for themselves today!
What has education provided me??? The answer is simple! EMPOWERMENT- to stare the world in the eye, keep pace with it and challenge it!!!!
I got my answer!
I will never repeat that dialogue again!
I swear!
: )
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I Observe,
English just KICKED THE BUCKET! 1
And guess what, we kill it~
Here is one instance how..
The victim- the word " Functional"
According to Merriam Websters dictionary:
Main Entry: func·tion·al
Pronunciation: \ˈfəŋ(k)-shnəl, -shən-əl\
Function: adjective
performing or able to perform a regular function
—func·tion·al·ly \-ē\ adverb ctional psychosis>—compare organic 1b
I have atleast heard 25 people at isolated instances using the world wrongly, in a totally different parlance colloquially!
They say- This dress is casual but I prefer functional dresses for special occasions.
This is a functional clutch- for everyday purposes I have another one.
1.e. the word functional is surmised as "related to function or special occasion"
when actually it means a regular function(activity).
It is high time that we correct this gross culpable linguistic gaffe immediately!
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I Observe,
save thy language
Rolling back the rusty pedals!
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मी लिहतोय एक चित्र! (Mi lihtoye ek chitra)
पुणे-सातारा महामार्ग -४ वर, खेड पासून एक १० कि. मी. पुढे एका धाब्यावर फक्कड गावरान कोंबडी मिळते. पुढे एक टेकाड आहे. ३०-४५ मिनिटांचा चढ आहे. वर पोहचल्यावर वस्ती दिसेनाशी होते. थोडी सपाट जमीन. मग मात्र गर्द झाडी चालू होते. वर सर्पणाची काही कमी नाही. पावसाळ्यात साचलेल्या चिख्लाच्य डाब्क्यात्ली माती उन्हात छान भाजून निघाली होती. त्यातच आम्ही आमचे सर्पण आणून रचले. डोक्याखाली जॅकेट घेऊन वर स्वच्छ आकाशाकडे टक्क लऊन पडून राहण्यात काय मज्जा सांगू, आणि आश्यात २-४ रान-डुक्रानी पीछा पुरवला! आहा हा! एका चुटकीत्त कोंबड्या पचतात.
दोनच रंग अस्तित्वात असावेत. कण्सा-सारखा पिवळा आणि आकाशी नीळा. वाळू सर्वत्र. ह्या प्रचंड वाळवंटात मोठ-मोठाल्या भिंती - पांढर्या- शुभ्र. एक- एक भिंत २० फुट तरी असावी. आत नाजूक नक्षीकाम आहे. खिडक्यात रंगीत काचा बसवल्या आहेत. एका मोठया कमानी खालून आत गेल्यावर, बर्याच लोकांची गर्दी होती. अचानक एक लहान मुलगा माझा हात धरून मला ती जागा दाखवू लागला.
त्याची सांगण्याची पद्धत पण वेगळीच होती. सगळ्या गोष्टी मला गाण्यातून सांगत होता. उजवीकडे एक चर्च होत.
मी आत वळणारच तोच त्याने माझा हात ओढत मला पुढे नेले. आत प्रवेश करण्यास एक वेगळा दरवाजा होता. लगेच चुक लक्षात आली.
परत एकदा गीत-भट्कन्ती सुरू झाली. आत लाकडी बकड्यावर बसलो. समोर बाइबल ची एक प्रत ठेवली होती. समोर एका कठड्यावर मेण्बत्त्या लावल्या होत्या. लोक कठड्यापासुन ३ पावला मागे येत आणि मग आपली प्रार्थना म्हणत.
सहज समोरच्या बाइबलच्या प्रती कडे हात गेला. पहिले २-३ पानं काही वेगळीच वाटली- ही प्रत १६८० सालची होती!!
तितक्यात समोर चा एक पदरी मोठी पाऊल टाकत जवळ आला, आणि हळु आवाजात पुट-पुट्ला -
मी त्याला समोरची प्रत दिली. त्याने ती उघडली. लगेच मिटून - दुसरी प्रत पाठवून देण्याचा शब्द दिला.
बाहेर निघालो तर एका कोपर्यात एक प्रदर्शन लावले होते.
लहान घड्यॅळापासुन ते मोठल्या घड्याळापर्यंत - फक्त एकच साम्य होत. सगळ्यांमधे आत्यंत सुरेख असे पेंडुलम बसवले होते. वेग-वेगळ्या संगीत वाद्यच्या आकाराचे घड्याळ बनवले होते. त्यांचे रंग ही फार आकर्षक होते.
सर्व प्रदर्शन बघून बाहेर पडलो, तर लख्ख सूर्यप्रकाश पसरला होता. शिशीराच्या झाडाला नवीन पालवी फुटली होती, वाळु ची जागा आता काळ्या मातीने घेतली होती.
ताज्या कॉफी चा सुवास नाकात दर्वळ्तोय. अजुन ही हवेत गारवा आहे. जमिनीत ओलावा आहे. ओल्या मातीचा वास येत का नाहीए? गवताचा वास येतोय. डोळ्यासमोर एक आकृती आली. एक बाटली काढून त्यातून वेनिला चा वास येणारं द्रव्य माझ्यावर ओतु लागला. अचानक दुखं कमी झाला. मॉर्फिन ने त्याचे काम केले होते. आता सगळे धूसर दिसत होते. मला कोणी उचलून नेत होते.
इकडे रंगच नाहीयेत. बर्याच आकृत्या दिसताय्त् इकडे. सगळे तरंगत आहेत. इकडे डाइमेन्षन्स नाहीयेत. ना प्रखर उजेड, ना सावली. काहीच हालचाल नाही, कुठलाच हाव-भाव नाही. एक नीर्विकार भावना घेऊन इकडे वाट पाहत होते. पुढे काय?
अश्या रित्ये निद्रहीन रात्र ही सरते, आणि स्वतःला वेळ देऊन, आपले वैचारिक घोडे खुल्या मैदानात रपेट करून आणल्याचा आनंद ही होतोच म्हणा!
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1 प्रतिक्रिया
सोनाली कुलकर्णी
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ब्लॉग वर टकावस वाटले.
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काही अभिप्राय असतील तर झरूर लिहा.
"सिद्ध्या हे काय? काय खेळलाय्स तुला तरी कळतंय का? अरे बेट्या फुकट खेळायचा म्हणून खेळू नकोस. चल फाजील पणा पुरे झाला, व्यवस्थित खेळ."
"अबे काय करू? बिडी मारायची जाम तलफ होऊ रायलीये, साला आणि तू पटकन गेम संपवत पण नाहीस."
"अरे पाप्या मग खालच्या गल्लीत-ल्या पोरं-बरोबर गोट्या खेळ ना!"
"नाय मला पॉकेट टेन्निस खेळायची सवय नाही रे!"
"चल पुरे कर, हे घे आता!"
"साला हा कधी सुधारणार", मी हळूच मनातल्या मानता पूट-पुटलो
"काय करणार रे? स्वभावच असा आहे!" सिद्ध्या
"आयला ह्याच्या मारी ह्याला कसे ऐकू गेले?", परत मनातल्या मानता.
सिद्ध्या एक भुवई वर घेत, आणि एखाद्या गवय्या-या ने सूर लावावा तसा हाव भाव करत , “ बस्स क्या भाई? तू कहे और हम ना माने?"
"बरं काय खेळ-लास?"
" काही खास नाही, NB2!"
"अबे हा तर ट्रिपल फोर्क पडला आपल्या वर! आता काय?"
आज सिद्ध्या ने लय जोर बसवला होता.
"चला आता अहिंसा बघवत नाही मला, हे घे!"
"सल्ल्या नेपोलियन च्या पोटी जन्मा का नाही घेतलास? तुझ हेच नाही आवडत मला, तू दंगली पेटवल्यास की मग सगळ्या प्लॅन्स चा बोऱ्या वाजवतोस."
"अरे मग आणखीन काय करणार?" वाक्या संपे पर्यंत सिद्ध्यने बघितले की आता निम्म्या होऊन जास्ती सैन्याची कत्तल होणार. आणि 5 सेकंदात, माझ्या मूव्झ सकट पुर्ण खुनी युध स्वताह: पार पाडले.
"चल मग आता तुला खेळायचाय" सिद्ध्या.
"हे घे!"
ढेकर दबावा तसा आवाज़ काढला आणि तोंडाचा चंबू करत त्यातून हवा सोडत पुरर्रर्र आवाज केला.
सिद्ध्या, "काय फरक नाही पडत मला. हे घे."
चान्स बघत मी परत दुसऱ्या दंगली पेटवायच्या हालचाली केल्या!
सिद्ध्या गालातल्या गालात हसला, त्याला लक्षात आला, आता ह्या नेपोलियन चा हिटलर होणार, तरी ह्याने तिकडे दुर्लक्षा केला!
मी आपला डोळ्यातून रक्ताच्या ओकार्या करत आणखीन एक डाव टाकला!
आणि सिद्ध्यला म्हणालो, आता बहुतेक 50 मूव्झ ची वेळ येणार.
सिद्ध्या कंदिलाची वात वाढवत म्हणाला, "मला नाही वाटत असं, घे!”
आणि मी खाली बघतो तर मी क्लियर चेक मेट झालो होतो!
"भेंडी सल्ल्या हा कुठून आला?"
सिद्ध्या, "तुझ्या दंगलीत वाचलेला हा एक बिशप!"
"वा पठ्ठ्या गुड रे! भीड लेका!"
म्हणत दोघा पण उभे झालो, आणि पटा-पट्ट कपडे चढवत पान-पट्टी वर पळालो.
खाली पान पट्टी बंद. अबे किती वाजले? दोघांनी पण मोबाईल स्क्रीन बघितला.
माझ्या मोबाईल वर शून्य दोन-शे उमटले होते! 0200
"फट्टू भूक लागली बे!"
"चल पहिले Swargate ला जाऊ, तिकडून स्टॉक घेऊ."
"बोक्या मला भूक लागलीये."
"साल्या तुझ्या मुळे गेम इतका वाढला, त्या तुझ्या मशीन चा फोन आला नसता तर त्यात तू एक तास वाया घालवला नसतासा. "
"अबे सकाळ पासून मशीनशी काही बोलणं झालं न्हव्ता, तुला कोणी मशीन पट्ली नाही म्हणून मला खिज़वू नकोस रे! "
"चला पुरे",
"काय खायचाय बोल?"
"आरे सकाळच्या पोळ्या आहेत!"
" त्या खेकडी ने 20 केल्या होत्या. आमच्या पोळी-वाल्या बाई च्या चालीला नज़र-अंदाज़ ना करता सिद्ध्यने तिला खेकडी नाव ठेवले होत!"
"हा बस्स! मग असा करू, स्वारगेट वरून बिड्या उचलू. "
"आणि काय तूप-साखर पोळी खाणार का?"
"नाय रे तिकडून 5 आलु-बोंडे उचलून घेऊ. म्हणजे पोळ्यान-बरोबर भाजी झाली!"
"तुझ्या कडे किती आहेत?"
"25 आहेत. तुझ्या कडे?"
"माझे मीटर डाउन आहे रे, इकडून तिकडून चिल्लर निघतील तेवढेच."
"चल फक्त बिड्या आणू! आणि घरी गेल्यावर काय खायच ते बघू."
E4 .E5
Nf3 Nc6
Bc4 Bc5
giuoco piano
पुढची मूव कुठली येते बघू थांब.
हा सटकलाय का? उगाच . . ओपनिंग वरून किंग्स इंडियन डिफेन्स का टाकतोये?
जाऊ देत, बघू सल्ल्याच्या मनात काय चाललाय…….
मी त्याचा Nf6 पिन करायला माझा बिशप बाहेर काढायचा निर्णय घेतला.
च्या-आईला हात उचलल्या जात नाहीय. चार भिंतीच्या मध्ये आपल्याला कोणी तरी बांधून ठेवलाय. एकदम गर्मी जाणवतेय, हवेतली उष्णता अचानक वाढलीए. तसच स्वस्थ बसवत न्हव्ते. आता काही हिसके देऊन हात मोकळे केले. उभा राहून हात – पाय मोकळे केले. आता बंदिस्त नसलो तरी अस्वस्थता जाणवत होती. दूर कुठे तरी आरडा-ओरडा एकू येत होता. कसली तरी हाणा-मारी चालू होती. चालताना नेहमी सारखा कंफर्टेबल वाटत न्हवत. विज़री च्या मागच्या खिशातून सिगरेट चा पाकीट काढायला गेलो, तर मागचा खिसाच गायब.
नाही हे काही तरी वेगळा वाटते. माझी जीन्स इतकी कशी जिरली?
मग कुठे माझा लक्षा कपड्यांकडे गेला……..
हा जोकर ड्रेस कुठून मिळवला? हे काय कैद्या सारखे काळे-पांढरे चट्टे-पट्टे वाले कपडे?
आता मी आजू-बाजूला पण लक्ष दिला. एक गोष्ट लक्षात आली की ह्या चारी भिंती काळ्या-रंगने रंगवल्या आहेत. ह्या भिंतीच्या एका फटी-तून बघितला तर इंग्लिश अल्फॅबेट्स मधला “सी” दिसतो.
आधीच अश्या गोंधळ-ले-ल्या अवस्थेत, आणि वरून हा लोकांचा कल्ल-कल्लाट. आता परत डावीकडच्या कोपऱ्यातून बघितला तर काही लोक दिसली. पण ह्यांच्यात काही हाता-पायी होत न्हव्ती. हे बघून एक गोष्ट क्लियर झाली, की आपण अजून ही पुण्यात आहोत!
तरी हे असा का होताय? ही कसली जागा?
तितक्यात माझ्या समोरची भिंत बरीच सरकली! आणि मी उडी मारून बाहेर पडणार तितक्यात, त्या भिंती च्या ऐवजी एक पांढरी भिनतं आली!
मी आपला एका कोपर्यात गप्प बसलो, बघू काय होताय ते!
परत माझ्या उजवी-कडची भिनतं पुढे सरकली. मी वाट बघत होतो, की आता ह्याच्या बदल्यात पांढरी भिंत येईल, पण असे काहीच झाले नाही. मी पालीकडे गेलो.
बाहेर बघतो तर काय –
सगळ्या इमारती पासून गाड्या-पर्यंत सगळे ब्लॅक अँड व्हाईट!
बघा तो B/W. भांडणाऱ्या लोकानं-मध्ये पण एक गंमत होती. हे भांडणं गोऱ्या आणि काळ्या मध्ये होत. पण हे काळे, नकटे न्हव्ते.
भांडण्याचा कारण काही कळ्ण्याचा स्कोप न्हव्ता, साले फक्त एक-मेकांना मारायच्या धमक्या देत होते. म्हणजे आपण अजून ही सदाशिव पेठे-त आहोत!
मग अचानक एक गाडी आली आणि ह्या सगळ्या लोकांना घेऊन गेली. अचानक रस्ते साम-सुम झाले! रस्ते ओळखीचे न्हव्ते, तरी आपल्याला आपला रस्ता शोधता येईल.
दिवसा सारखा उजेड न्हव्ता, ना रात्र झाली होती.
लांब लांब पर्यंत एक झाड दिसत न्हवत.
फिरता फिरता ज़रा मोठा रस्ता दिसला, म्हणून तिकडे वळलो!
पहिला पाउल पण टाकला नसेल तर पायात एक धमाका झाल,
आज काल काय रस्त्यांवर पण लँड माइन्स टाकतात की काय?
मग मी आपला सरळ चालत राहिलो. तरी अधे मध्ये काही लोक दिसत होते.
पण हे सगळे लोक मुखवटे, टोप्या घालून का फिरत होते?
असा ही नाही की काही खास मुखवटे होते, एकदम बाबा आदम च्या जमान्यातून आणले होते.
(आपण नक्की जुन्या बज़ाराच्या दिषेने चाललोये!)तितक्यात समोर एक माणूस येऊन थांबला, तो पण कदाचित अंदाज़ घेत असावा, पण ह्याचे कपडे ज़रा तरी बरे होते, मी तर तसल्या कापड्यांना टेकसास कपडे म्हणेन!
“का हो हा रस्ता कुठे जातो?”
ह्या माणसाने अगदी निर्विकार पणे माझ्या कडे एक कटाक्ष टाकला, आणि परत इकडे तिकडे बघू लागला.
“ओ, दादा मी तुमच्याशी बोलतोए, चूयिंग गम खात नाहीये.”
तरी हा काही सांगे ना.
साला भाव खातोए, म्हणून मी पुढे निघालो.
दूर तिकडे एक माणूस झोकांड्या खात येताना दिसला. (नक्की रात्र व्हायला आलीये!)
जवळ आला!
हा बेवडा न्हवत. ह्याने कुठे तरी बे-दम मार खाल्लाय!
असल्या जखमा मी कधीच पहिल्या न्हवत्या. त्याला ना चाकू ने मारले होते, ना गोळी ने. दगडाने ठेचाव तशी अवस्था झाली होती. जखमे-व.र माती चे पॅच-वर्क होते. त्याच्या अंगाचा तो रक्ताळ्लेला वास आता माझ्या नाकात घुसखोरी करत होता. आजू बाजूला घोंगावणाऱ्या माश्यान मुळे हैराण, काही असो, पण त्याला अश्या अवस्थेत सोडून जाणे हे गैर ठरेल, म्हणून मी त्याच्या कडे सरसावलो. मला बघून त्याने असे काही हाव-भाव केले, जसा काही मी त्याच्या चिते वर गोड शिरा बनवून खाण्या-साठीच आलोए. मी त्याला काही विचारणार, तोच काही लोका आले, आणि त्याच्या गळ्यात फास लावले. त्याला फरफटत-तत रस्त्यांवरून घेऊन गेले. त्यांच्या डोळ्यात एकाच ज्वाला होती. हात ज़री स्वच्छं दिसत असले, तरी त्या फासाचा दोर रक्ताच्या लोण्यात बुडवल्या सारखा होता.
ह्यांच्या बरोबर ‘नड-ण्यात काही अर्थ न्हवत. तरी जाता जाता एकाने माझ्या कडे बघितले. त्याच्या डोळ्यात तो गढूळ पणा न्हवत. त्याच्या डोळ्यात शांता आकाश दिसत होता. त्याने डोक्यावर एक मुखुट चढवला होता! पण हा मुकुट सोनेरी न्हवत, ना चंदेरी. एक वेगळाच टच होता त्यात. साधा काळ्या-रंगाचा हा मुकुट. त्यात मला एक ''Don Quixote’ दिसत होता.
जाता जाता त्याने माझ्यावर एक वाक्या फेकला, “सरळ जात राहा, पालीकडे पोचलास तर आपली परीस्थती सुधारेल, when you want something the whole universe conspires in helping you to achive it"
मी त्याच्या कडे एकदम चमकून पाहिले, ज्या शैलीत त्याने . मधला हे वाक्या फेकले, हा मला कसा ओळखतो? आणि माझ्या पुढे जाण्याने काय बदलणार होते? साली आख्खी दुनिया तर मतलबी आहे. मी पुढे गेलो नाही तर कोणी दुसरा जाईल. उप्पर वाल्याला काय फरक पडणार आहे? ठीसुळ पाया असलेला हा समाज. आणि ह्याच समाजातला एक प्राणी मला सांगतो, की फक्त तूच पुढे जाऊ शकतोस, तूच आपली परिस्थिती सुधरवु शकतोस.
मी समोर बघितला. तोच मंद उजेड, वाऱ्याची एक साधी झुळुक पण नाही. पण दूर डावी-कडे एक भक्कम इमारत दिसत होती. क्षण भर मी पण वाहून गेलो. पण मग त्या Alchemist च्या चेल्याची आठवण झाली. जाउन तर बघू एकदा, काय होईल ते होईल. तितक्यात मागून आणखीन 2 जाणा आले, माझ्या कडे लक्षा ही ना देता, भर-धाव वेगाने पुढे गेले. मी तरी रेंगाळत चाल-लो होतो. ह्या घाई च्या मरण्यात काय ठेवलाय तेच कळत्त नाही. आणि मग आठवते कसा आपण आपल्या आयुष्यातले ते बारीक बारीक क्षण गमावले.
--तो पावसाचा पहिला थेंब आपण छत्री वर झेलुन लांब भिरकावून टाकतो, तोच थेंब कधी हातात घेऊन बघा, भिजू-द्या तुमचा नवा कोरा शर्ट. शर्ट मिळेल पुन्हा, पण तो थेंब मग गवसणार नाही. पावसाळ्या-- उन्हाळ्याच्या मधल्या काळात आउटिंग ला निघून बघा. त्या ढगा-आडाचा सूर्य आपल्या नग्न डोळ्याने बघा, गॉगल चे रंग त्यात मिसळू नका. कधी म्हातारीच्या झाडा खाल्ली थांबून त्याच्या शेंगा फोडून, सगळ्या म्हाताऱ्या हवेत भिरकावून बघा. कॉलेज च्या वाटेवर असलेल्या त्या पेट्स-शॉप मध्ये लटकावलेल्या पिंजरयातला सोनेरी पक्षी बघा, खैर त्या पक्ष्या-ला स्वताह:-होऊन पिंजऱ्यात राहणं आवडत नसेल. पण आपण का मुद्दाम पिंजऱ्यात बस्तोए?
मगाशी सुसाट पुढे-गेलेले दोघे ही भिनतं अडवत होते. मला बघताच आरडा ओरडा करून मला जवळ बोलावून घेतले. मी तिकडे जाताच, म्हणे "पटकन आत जा."
“तुम्ही दोघे माझ्या साठी इकडे आलात?’
अरे इकडे परत सील पडला असता, तर अवघड झाल असता रे………..”
“पण इतका काय सीरियस झालय?”
“तुला माहिती नाही का? वजीर साहेब तुझी वाट बघतायत पालीकडे ‘
वजीर? सी1? ब्लॅक अँड व्हाईट दुनिया? जखमी लोक………
ही कुठली दुनिया आहे? इकडे मी कोण? माझा ध्येया काय?
मी ह्यांना इतका महत्त्वाचा का वाटतो? ह्या मागे ह्यांचे काही वैयक्तिक हेतू तर नक्कीच असतील. माझ्या ह्या निशध्येय चालण्याला काही फळ मिळेल असा वाटत न्हवत. हे सगळे आडवे-तिडवे शब्दा डोक्यात घेऊन मी पुढे चालत होतो.
विचारांच्या ओघात, माझ्या आजू बाजूची गर्दी कधी वाढली ह्याचा भान राहिला नाही. एकदम आजू-बाजूच्या धिंगण्या मुळे मी भाना-वर आलो. सगळे माझ्या कडे कौतुकने धावत येत होते, त्या गर्दीच्या मागे मला तो Don Quixote रूपी Alchemist चा चेला दिसला. त्याच्या ओठांवर एक विजयी हास्य फुलत होते. त्या गर्दी ने मला उचलून घेतला, त्यांचे हात काप्सा सारखे मउ होते, त्यात काही दिखावा जाणवत न्हवत. त्यांच्या खांद्यावरच मला पण 'Don Quixote' बनवण्यात आले, तोच मुकुट, तसेच कपडे.
ही कसली शरियत होती? आणि हे कसला बक्षीस?
त्या . च्या चेल्यानने माझे प्रश्ना ओळखले, जवळ घेत, तो माझ्या बरोबर थोडा पुढे चालत आला. पुढे एक कठड्यावर बसवत, माझ्या कडे एक स्मित-हास्य भिरकावून म्हणाला, आता तू पण वजीर झालास. मगाशी तुला सांगायला वेळ न्हव्ता, पण आता सगळे समजावून सांगू शकतो.”
आता पर्यन्त तुला तुझा ध्येय माहीत न्हव्ता, पण जे काही तू केलस ते आम्हाला अपेक्षित होतच. तरी ह्या चेस बोर्ड वर तू एक प्यादा म्हणून जन्म घेतलास, आणि आता काही क्षणा पूर्वी एका वजीराचा मान मिळवलास. प्रत्येकाचा एक वैषीष्ठ आहे. तू ज़री प्यादा असलास तरी काय झाले. तू नसता तर आता बराच काही आतासारखे नसते. कदाचित आपली पोसिशन दुर्बळ असती आणि पांढऱ्याची विन्निंग पोज़िशन. “ So always remember: whenever you feel frustrated with your work, just think about the job without you. there you will spot the importance of 'I'."“ तुझा एकत्र राहण्याचा स्वभाव उत्तम आहे, आता नोटीस केलास का? तुझयाच . चे इतर . पण वजीर का नाही बनले? फक्त फरक होता, ते पहिले पासून एक-मेकात गुंतून बसले. तू सुरवाती पासून थोडा आलिप्त असल्या मुळे पुढे सरसावलास, आणि पुढे टीमवर्क मुळे तू आणखीन काही पुढचे पाउल टाकलीस But hence forward remaining together and working out your progress would prove your sucess!
जा आता, You have to work out our victory!
मला आता आकाश साफ दिसत होते. सूर्योदय होत होता. पक्ष्यांचा किल्ल-बिल्लाट. आणि समोरच गुलमोहरांचा बहरलेला झाड! बहुतेक सिद्ध्या आणि मी काल रात्री चेस खेळत, बाल्कनीत झोपलो होतो.
टेबल वरच्या चेस बोर्ड वर आदल्या रात्रीचा अर्धवट गमे राहिला होता. मी ब्लॅक साइड कडून Pc6 खेळ-लो. तिकडे काळा वजीर माझ्या कडे बघून हळूच हसला!
-- नागेश
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1 प्रतिक्रिया
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The "W"
Orkut and facebook no more attract me.
"I see a Red door and I want it painted Black"
Is it bubble or a vast space of blankness?
will it just be like my nondetachable shadow?
Why do I keep on feeling that I need to get spaced out for a while, at places like Pondicherry.....
"Oh does life get any better?
More yesterdays, than today"
Grab a book, start reading, I end up pondering upon the ideas. What if I get initiated as a freemason?
Khayalli-Pulao is good for relaxation!!
I tried asking the waiter at a favorite chai-joint, "Are you happy with your life?"
He Smiles.
The competition lies ahead. What after I win the race of time and success? Buy a HOME, Car, a high end PC......
What happens after a person is successful? Set new goals and run for them.
We all set our own goals (small/big) achieve them. In the mean while we experience notions like, joy, sorrow, anger, hatred, love, compassion..... Were we set in a loop? Are we a kind of unsuccessful code which was supposed to run correctly, but apparently it all went wrong. Did the coder just overlook the point of mentioning the purpose of the code?
What happened exactly so that the universal system came into existence?? What was the force that tugged the clouds of matter and anti-matter collide, forming the Big Bang?
As the Earth came in existence what have we achieved from the whole process of evolution.....
We managed to increase our standard of living, the rest of the wild didn't bother so.
Whats a thought process? Is it something that germinates in the brain/mind, or its a thought that's planted in your mind externally? On a random scan of frequencies, is it that we are radioed with various thoughts? Just need to know how to fine tune your transceiver.
Someday we gonna dance with those lions
Someday we gonna break free from these chains and keep on flyin'"
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SDLC (सॉफ्टवेअर डेव्हलोपर्स लाईफ साईकल)
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जुळलेली यमकं
Aghori Sadhu's - Indian Occult
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Aghori sadhu,
Aghori sect,
Indian occult,
1 प्रतिक्रिया
An Alternative
Here I stepped into the bathroom, gosh shaving cream seems to be absconding.
Just felt like trying out a new alternative! "Colgate - Gel"
Mann it worked out well, and the cooling crystals gave a perfect aftershave lotion effect.
Sometimes, even your shampoo / conditioner works well for the shaving foam.
And if you're running out of your aftershave try Listerine!
Listerine being a bacteria killer, can also be used as a deodorant.......
Stop giving those ugly looks, as if you've never opted for alternative's in your life :P
This would be an effort to make life more simple.
Someday i'd try Iodex for greasing my bicycle....
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some more photographs

Also including the "Diya" from this diwali celebrations. Wasn't in a mood of playing with the shutter.

Orkut logo
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1 प्रतिक्रिया
Sleepless in Shaniwar Peth!!!
1. Bed Bugs
2. Painful Breakup
3. Coffee
4. Nostalgic dreams
5. Exams
6. Work Load
My Observation:
All of them are equal partners in the crime....Just not in that order..hehehehehe
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I Observe
I like!
.......Rabindranath Tagore
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हिम्मत करने वालों की हार नहीं होती।
लहरों से डरकर नौका पार नहीं होती
हिम्मत करने वालों की हार नहीं होती।
नन्ही चींटी जब दाना लेकर चलती है,
चढ़ती दीवारों पर सौ बार फिसलती है,
मन का विश्वास रगों में साहस भरता है,
चढ़कर गिरना,गिरकर चढ़ना न अखरता है,
आखिर उसकी मेहनत बेकार नहीं होती ,
कोशिश करने वालों की हार नहीं होती।
डुबकियां सिंधु में गोताखोर लगाता है,
जा-जाकर खाली हाथ लौट आता है,
मिलते न सहेज के मोती पानी में,
बहता दूना उत्साह इसी हैरानी में,
मुठ्ठी उसकी खाली हर बार नहीं होती,
हिम्मत करने वालों की हार नहीं होती।
असफलता एक चुनौती है स्वीकार करो,
क्या कमी रह गयी,देखो और सुधार करो,
जब तक न सफल हो नींद चैन को त्यागो तुम,
संघर्षों का मैदान छोड़ मत भागो तुम,
कुछ किये बिना ही जय-जयकार नहीं होती,
हिम्मत करने वालों की हार नहीं होती।
-------- Harivansh Rai Bachchan
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1 प्रतिक्रिया
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विशुभाऊ आणि माझ्यात झालेला वार्तालाप...
Vishal: धन्यवाद
स्वामी आपणास यश देतीलच... तरी आमच्या शुभेच्छा
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1 प्रतिक्रिया
Pizza Corner @ Rajaram bridge!
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A bookmark!
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1 प्रतिक्रिया
Another evening fiddling with my camera
From Batcheet Bak-Bak Aur Bahot Kuch |
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1 प्रतिक्रिया
Diary 2006 contd...
Not So Mundane Dialogues! 2
on Sep 26 on gmail chat!
Me: hehehe
ani gf wagre
kon navi britneyla bye kelas ka?
ata kon gathliyes
Saurabh: britney kon...???
Me: britney bongale
Saurabh: hehe britney spears.... ticha marathi madhe surname... britney bhalerao asel
Saurabh: lol
Saurabh: britney bongale... porancha naav... britania bongale
naav mala
Saurabh: :D
mag loka mala british bongale pan mhantil
Me: hahaha
masta ahe
tu kalwaycha mulga
california la
naav kadhlas
british bongale
Saurabh: lolzzz
to ek dialog aahe mahitiye ka...
anand bombay to goa jake don bann gaya
kalva ka koli kali jake british bongs bann gaya
Sent at 1:47 PM on Saturday
Me: hehehhe
Saurabh: :D
Me: hahaha
apan picture banvoo tujhawer
Saurabh: ha...
aare megh...
story dokyat aali pan...
kalvyachya khadi var ek choti hodi
tya hodid ek nakhva...
typical koli costume madhe...
to me...
mag kalva khadi madhe tufaan yenar... 26 julya cha paoos...
Me: hahahaha
ani tu beshusddha
Saurabh: ti hodi samudrat janar
Me: paadtos
Saurabh: me behosh
Saurabh: nantar hosh madhe yenar tevha samor swatantrada devi cha putla
statue of liberty
Me: hahahah ?? Wah kya Doka hai tumhara dost.
Saurabh: :)
mala samajnar nahi...
me valhat valhat US madhe entry karnar...
mag tikde mala pirates milnar...
aani te hamla karnar... pan
Me: Mag Kahani Mai twist......tula immigration wale pakadtil
Saurabh: nahi nahi....
aik tar story
Me: kay
Saurabh: me marathi manus... aapan warrior...
me tya pirates cha mitha jahaj... budavnar...
majya chotya hodi tun me tyanchyavar jaala taknar...
tya jahajat mala hostage milnar
Me: bara sang...bolo bolo tell tell
Saurabh: tila pirates chya tavditun me vachavnar...
Me: ho
Saurabh: ti immegration sagla handle karel... green card milnar mala lagech
Me: ani mag bush kaka
Sauarbh: ticha naav britney thevu
Me: tujha shall wa shrifal satkar karnar
pan towar
Saurabh: ho...
Me: aliens hamala karnar
Sauarbh: aani mag kolyachi lungi aani laal topi jaoon tya jaagi suit boot aani hat yenar
Me: ho
pan aliens cha kay
Sauarbh: ha aanu tyanna pan...
te kasa honar...
ki maja satkar mhanun te mala cali cha ek lake bakshis denar
me tikde panyat ek palm beach type motha hotel bandhanar
maja swatacha 5 * cruse asnar
tikde panyatun armagaddon sarkha koni tari ailen yenar
pan majhi heroin ji aahe na...
tichyakade super natural powers asnar...
mermaid sarkhi ti masa hou shakel...
mag tichya mdatine me tya alien la haravnar....
aani asha prakare me aani majhi heroin jagala vachavnar....
aani mag sagli kade aanandi aanand
happy ending mhanun bongs britney chi family.... lovelyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
movi hittt hai bhaaaaaaaaaaaayyyy
house fulll
wht say...
Me: arrey wah
spielberg la vikuyat ka story
Sauarbh: aani mag.... achanak... punha ek jordar tufaan yenar...
me punha kuthe tari vahat janar...
mag saglyanche dole ughadnar....
aani kalvyachya khadi madhlya chotyashya hodit... tyach kolyanchya dress madhe me asnar...
wah wah...
subhan allah.... excellent story baap....
Me: arrey wah
tussi gr8 ho
Saurabh: :D
blog lihi hyacha...
Me: haha
tahamb hi akkhi
story blog wer takte
Sauarbh: ha taak...
Saurabh: tu pahili audience hya movi chi.. first critic...
Me: Sure.....
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Out of the Blue
My AHA Moment!!!
A few days back I was facing a deadly internal battle. A slew of open-ended questions were circulating round and round in my brains--- both cortex and amicdala J
Should I or should I not?
Will I be able to recreate the magic?
Will I be able to pull this off?
Will I be able to live upto the expectations of people who have entrusted me with this responsibility?
What if I cannot make it?
It has been eons since I felt the fire in my face?
Should I take my chances or just chicken out?
It has been 6 years since I last held the MIC in my hands?
After all, it was an opportunity in itself to become a Master of the Ceremony at an Official Function.
So I said yes……..
A little bit of background:
These exact kind of questions gripped my mind back in July 2001. I was selected for our College K.J. Somaiya Arts and Commerce’s Cultural Forum- Literary Department after appearing for the written test and 3 Interviews with the CF Panel, Vice-principal and Principal.
I was given the job of hosting the inauguration function. I had never done this before. It was a maiden attempt.
I remember the first time I went on stage I was gripped by a jumbled feeling. There was happiness of facing the challenge and there were butterflies of a lot of “ifs” and “buts” hovering in my stomach. I remember standing there looking the audience in their eye with a smile. Assuring myself that I can do it and then beginning to host the function.
But I somehow knew that I was cut for stage. So I took up the challenge head-on. And after that for 3 consecutive years I hosted more than 10 programmes in front of a crowd over 700 people.
Present Day Situation: Continued
I said yes but there were a lot of things that needed to be contemplated. It was different to host a programme in front of 700 cherubic youngsters who looked forward for all the fun and hosting a show in front on your employers and guests was a different ball game all together.
I was going to host a full-fledged corporate function which was going to be graced by national and international dignitaries and an audience of a whopping 200 people. And I had less than 2 days to prepare. There was heavy performance pressure and I didn’t want to blow my chances at this opportunity.
I saw my quote calendar- It read “ There would be nothing to be frightened of if you refuse to be afraid”
And I assured to myself- What the heck – I can’t keep on brooding – I need to start practicing the one lettered Golden rule “PREPARE”
So then began a tedious phase of scripting, rehearsing and re-rehearsing AGAIN!
Thanks to all my friends who patiently gave me a keen ear, their precious time and genuine feedback & helped me in practicing the act!!!
And then the D-day arrived:
There I was all dressed up appropriately very much looking my part….hoping that I would speak my part fluently as well.
Familiar Feeling:
Do you know the feeling when you suddenly find something you lost years ago. And you find it in exact intact position. That’s what I felt! Once I went on the stage, faced my fears, coaxed myself in giving my 200% I could sense the positive energy that filled me.
Revelation: I found out that no matter how the circumstances change for an individual, his/her innate positive talents and traits never completely vanish. They remain, waiting to be re-explored!
Of course I went with the flow and did put up my fumble-free, confident, expressive best performance! More than the abundant appreciation I received from my peers I think what was best was that it gave a facelift to my sagging self-worth.
The feeling: Absolute Sense of Achievement in its Simplest Form.
I remember my personality Coach Ritika Ramtri Mam telling us: “You cannot grow until you challenge yourself” back in May this year.
I know she was right. I experienced it. I guess it works wonders!
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affairs to remember
Finding @-NIL!

Last weekend when I was home, my mom made me clean some of my old books and papers! It was a different feeling rummaging through my old homework in pink ball pen, doodles, receipts of library for over-due books, speeches, scripts of my dramas, small poems, tit-bits about sweet nothings, messages written to friends during lectures, study time-tables which were never followed, sheets full of paper games like love percentage, x and o, bricks etc. It was fun going through all the memories of my pre-graduate years. On one of the sheets I found a Phone Number with Anil M written beside it. Hmm Anil Mukundan! My College Buddy! Anil was one year senior to me! I had been trying to find Anil on the Social Networking sites but couldn’t. I was super-elated to find his number. I just prayed that it would be still in a working condition.
Circa 2001 -2003
I, Anil and Rupesh were inseparable pals in our college days. We shared a great wavelength. We participated in dance, dramas and all the social activities together. We hung out at each others houses after college and went for movies etc. I was in first year, Anil was in second year and Rupesh was in third year. Anil though very tall and heavy would give any lean dancer a run for his money. He danced with high voltage energy levels. Anil used to call me his little guinea pig. As he studied Psychology he needed constant bakras to haul up and take to his HOD as subjects. I always became his bakri. I used to go with him as a subject in our college as well as Mumbai University, Kalina Campus for his Masters Degree. All his Psycho- Friends (read those who studied MA in Psychology) became my pals. We both had a very bad habit of breaking into long sporadic laughing spurts. He was my DAD in our serious college drama and we broke into giggles at nothing and would not stop soon. So much so that our Director had a tough time controlling us. One afternoon we both sat on a bench on Vidyavihar station and started talking in weird noises ( read in a voice that resembled the noise that comes when a record player gets stuck)so much so drawing the attention and curiosity of the by-standers. Anil had a vast female following and we even betted if he would become the rose king of the year!! We always addressed each other as Kaminey and Kamini!! All three of us used to go and sit at Nariman Point and talk about where we wanted to take our lives! Anil always wanted to go Mollywood to try his luck. But now he is a HR professional. I guess that still gives him a scope to try his acting skills. Hahaha. Except for Rupesh, I think none of us got what we wanted!!! But I guess it’s all a part of the game!! hehehe
Hurriedly I dialed his number and guess what it rang!!! Anil picked up and after doing a lot of TP I told him who I was. It had been 6 long years and life had changed its tracks. I could sense the happiness in his voice. He told me how even he had tried to get in touch with me. We jabbered for almost an hour about his shifting of house, his career with Citi Bank, his fiancé, his x-girlfriends, his family, myself etc. It was absolutely gr8 to get in touch with you @Nil- Hope we never loose touch now!!!!
It is so kewl to find a old friend again by a strange stroke of luck!!! : )
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My people
1 प्रतिक्रिया
The Haunted Heart!

Time is trying hard…Fading your worthless memories
Trying to heal my wounds perhaps…
But how will it delete the sorrow
That’s etched painfully on my heart?
For years it shall remain constant and depositing
Like a self-inflicted burden on the soul
Bringing to life with every moment of truth
The ghosts of yesterday from the Graves of our past………
-By Me
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random thoughts
1 प्रतिक्रिया
At the dinner table we (Mihir, Vijay and me) were discussing existence of spirits. Mihir was putting in a load of positive reports. He had tried it a few years back, they had recalled his grandpa. He gave us a second hand experience about planchet.
That day after our dinner, me and Vijay were desperate to try out doing planchet. From the very begining Mihir was reluctant to help us. By midnight we were all set for the experience. An A4 size sheet was used to draw the required format - A to Z, 0-9 and YES, NO. We managed a mini steel bowl as our cursor. According to our knowledge we'd done everything we had overheard and read. We lighted a kerosene lamp, a few incense sticks were alighted. I pinned down the sheet on an engineering drawing board. Mihir was done giving every excuse for not joining us.
After meditating the name of the person we wanted to recall from the past, we received our first shock.
Vijay was finding it difficult to breathe. I managed to regain his breath by pumping his chest with my palms crossed. He soon regained his breath. As both of us took a huge sip of water. By the time Mihir was in the room.
For a while we discussed the procedure, and the loop holes we'd left.
After a while Mihir pointing the drawing board - "Aabe ye paper aise kyu jalaya hain?"
As we paid our attention to the paper, small curve-shaped border was burned out from the paper. Me and Vijay both denied of doing it.
Even after the first shot, we prepared ourselves for the second session.
Even this time, Vijay finds it difficult to breathe. I try helping him breathe by pumping hard, Mihir poured a glass of water, and in the meanwhile - Vijay pushed me off with his left hand. I had never seen him get so harsh. I landed almost 5-10 feet behind. It ain't easy to just push off with such ease. I called off the planchet programme. Pulled out the mini steel bowl, and suggested a small walk.
By then Vijay was taken over. He saw some weired colors. To describe the color he asked me to get off the yellowish shade from yellow shade. There was some kind of red colored water around. Then we tried asking Vijay his own name, and he didn't reply back. He's eyes moving in an indifferent manner confirmed something abnormal. Mihir attempted an escape from the room, Vijay gave him a very unfamiliar stare. "ऐ कुठे जातोस? थांब."
Finally we convinced him for a cup of chai at swargate.
We reach Swargate:
As I was busy on a phone call, Mihir was having a bad time controlling Vijay. A bunch of college students were having their chai. Vijay started speaking about them. He started from appreciating the innocence, and then told Mihir - They'd soon meet up with an accident at Erandwane. And one of them might have to face mortality.
Now in this condition Vijay wouldn't let us sleep, or even have some rest. We'd decided to drug him with a sleeping pill. On "our" way we picked up a few sleeping pills at a 24 X 7 pharmacy. As we entered the gate, once again vijay started sobbing, asking for apologies to a kid. He was convincing that the kid (some random kid) fell in the well by his own mistake. It wasnt Vijay who had pushed him in the well. Then suddenly he started talking in the air.
He was followed by some non existing charachters, who he didnt want to talk to.
Fortunately he soon dozed of to sleep.
As we woke up in the morning, it had rained. Vijay woke up, showing as if nothing had happened last night. On asking him, he didnt remember a single part of it.
And now its been almost 2 years! we still have a shiver whenever we all talk about the planchet.
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self hypnotism