A well-wisher, obviously wish the best possible things for you but also is the one who always thinks something bad might happen to you and worries about you...
Damn... I don't want to be a well-wisher anymore...
(Well-wisher) Saurabh
AKS = "A"akash "K"etaki "S"aurabh. This blog is actually combination of three different blogs by Aakash, Ketaki and Saurabh.
A well-wisher, obviously wish the best possible things for you but also is the one who always thinks something bad might happen to you and worries about you...
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hehe!! That's a good cut! :)
very true...
:D cut-cut आहे नुसती. :P आपण कितीही म्हटलं तरी काळजी वाटणं कमी होत नाही. ;)
ही comment ’मी...’ साठी आहे. तिथे commentचा ऑप्शनच दिसत नाही.
>>लय भारी! :D
मीनल, ब्लॉगवरची तुझी कदाचित पहिलीच प्रतिक्रिया आहे. खुप छान वाटलं. ह्या दिलखुलास प्रतिक्रियेसाठी मनःपुर्वक धन्यवाद. :) :)
लई भारी सौरभा!!! लई भारी!
:P ठेंकू बाबाजी :)