My Hostel dayzzzz - A true unity in diversity!!
When one stays away from home, he finds family in friends! And that's exactly what happened with me at my hostel! I miss my hostel and my hostel group! Its just been a month that I left them but I am missing them already! The two and half years that I spent with them were magic times!
All my girl pals - Aaji, Amruta, Pradnya, Shweta, Nikki, Nikita, Suprita, Supriya, Yogu and Pranita
I miss :
My bed by the window : Where the world looked different outside
Watching all the chick-flicks together!
Our official hostel Maskot " Masakali" cat who was always behind Pradnya's love birds.
Bed bugs here, there - everywhere
Sleepless nights due to bed bug havoc in Summers
Going out on Gandharva Bridge for Night walks
Having extra chilled kulfi on winter nights
Visiting temples with pals before their exams, interviews and engagements
Shopping with Girls at Tulsi Baug
Dancing on Mobile songs on weekend nights
Singing songs together - especially sad Gazals
Pajama parties
Group Study
Celebrating each others Birthday by cutting a cake at Midnight!
Looking after eachother when any one was sick
Listening to all my friends chattering about boy-friends
Consoling girls after boy friend tiffs
Cooking together - great Bhels, Pavbhajis and Pulavs
Just dressing up on weekends to have fun
Going to the same restaurants for Sundays when the girls didn't have their dabba
Taking Aajji on her medical check-ups
Dancing at the Dandiya-rass in the building
Taking each others bikes outside
Sundari our sweet dog
Guarding and planning for girls coming in late in the night
Eating non-veg food without telling Aaji
Having long sessions of horror stories late in the nights and then getting frightened even to go to the loo!
Sharing a nice warm cup of tea and coffee!
Attending my friends weddings and engagements!
Going on late night walks to Naturals!!
To pounce on all the khau that used to come from our homes!
We even had a break-up party!! : )
Having loads and loads of Maggie!
Not stepping down the bed when a rat used to enter the premises!
Applying all the tricks and acrobatic stunts to put on the TV - after Aaji had shut it off! And succeeding with teamwork!
The best part was we all came from different cities with different backgrounds! But we always brought the best of the worlds together! Everyone stayed together as a family without fighting with each other! We never interrupted - we always added value to each others lives! This was the place which gave me a lot of practical tutorials in valuable lessons of life - few of which were sharing, adjusting and just being there when one needed support the most!!
My hostel friends brought a lot of happiness to my life! I will always remember this time!
How I miss you girls! I miss our good ol' days!
:) nice to hear that so many guls stayed together without fight :P ;)
We did bongs! Though it might seem impossible as girls are always attributed to have catty qualities! But the group that I had was very amicable! Some silly "fights" if u may call them so took place on on which television channels to watch and who went to the bathroom first! These difference of opinions were easily forgotten in 10 minutes! Staying in a hostel is a very interesting experience - isn't it Bongs??? I know u had room partners too! Didn't u learn to adjust ???
hmm.... Hostel life... hmmm... an experience that made me WISE...